Frequently asked questions.
Do we cut our own trees?
No, Cedar Grove Christmas Trees is a retail Christmas tree lot. We leverage our generations of experience and relationships with North America’s premier Christmas tree growers to offer the finest quality and freshest trees available in the market, with fresh trees arriving regularly throughout the season.
My child is sensitive to noises, crowded areas, lights, etc. Do you offer any accommodation?
We certainly do! We want every family to have a happy and comfortable experience when visiting our retail lot. If your family needs an accommodation contact us and we will open early or stay late to make the experience more comfortable.
My family usually cuts our own tree at a U-Cut, isn’t that fresher?
The Short Answer - No.
(Long Answer Below!)
U-Cut Christmas tree farms are mostly amateur, low-volume growers producing an inferior product. Many U-Cut farms do not even have market-height trees anymore due to their mismanagement in previous years.
Christmas trees need a series of frost/thaw cycles in the days leading up to harvest. This is what affects the trees’ ability to hold it’s needles and maintain freshness. Trees grown in NJ, Eastern PA and Southern NY State simply do not achieve the minimum (or sometimes any) frost/thaw cycles to make a tree ready for harvest.
Furthermore, proper pest control (natural and responsible via an integrated pest management plan) is expensive and many U-Cut growers cut corners. Combined with the mild winters that trees in the area experience, many will find their tree is infested with spiders or dormant flies that wake when brought into your warm home. In recent years, PA, NJ & NY tree farms have been overrun and infested with:
Spotted Lanternfly
Lymantria dispar dispar (Gypsy Moth)
Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii (Swiss Needle Cast) - a fungal disease that is difficult for an untrained eye to spot. It causes over 50% of a tree’s needle to either brown or fall after the tree is harvested.
Cedar Grove sources trees from growers who are professionally producing their crop. Every tree destined for our customers’ homes is inspected by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), or the Oregon Department of Agriculture.
At various points throughout a tree’s journey from field to family room, our family is closely monitoring our trees to ensure they live up to our name.
Where are you located?
We are located at 54 Pompton Avenue (Rt 23). Next to the Pilgrim Diner, 5 miles from the Willowbrook Mall. We are not Chuck’s Christmas Trees. Click here for a map and driving directions.
From Upper Manhattan
GWB to 80w, 46w to Ridge Road - Continue to Pompton Ave Rt 23S, Left on Pompton Ave, Right into parking lot (1/2 mile) after Diner.
From Midtown/ Lower Manhattan
Lincoln Tunnel to 3w to 46w to Ridge Road - Continue to Pompton Ave Rt 23S, Left on Pompton Ave, Right into parking lot (1/2 mile) after Diner.
What types of trees do you sell?
We sell:
Canadian Balsam Fir - Sized 3-13’
Fraser Fir - 7-8’
Noble Fir - 7-8’
We also sell hand-crafted wreaths, garland, tree stands and accessories.
Do you deliver?
We offer limited delivery options from our retail location, charges may apply.
We offer free delivery on orders placed via our website. Shop Here
Do you accept credit cards?
Yes, all cards.
Do you sell trees with roots?
Are pets allowed?
Yes, they are! How else will they be in the Christmas pics you’ll be taking? Please keep your pets on a leash and in your control.