Tree Care

Care Instructions for Cut Christmas Trees

Thank you for choosing a fresh Christmas tree from Cedar Grove Christmas Trees. To ensure your tree stays vibrant and beautiful throughout the holiday season, please follow these care instructions carefully.

1. Selecting Your Tree

  • Freshness Check: When selecting your tree, check for freshness by gently pulling on the needles. They should be flexible and not easily come off.

  • Cut Quality: Ensure the base of the tree has a fresh cut to allow better water absorption.

2. Preparing Your Tree

  • Trimming the Base: Before placing your tree in a stand, cut about half an inch to one inch off the base of the trunk. This helps open up the pores, allowing for better water uptake.

3. Setting Up Your Tree

  • Tree Stand: Use a sturdy tree stand that can hold at least one gallon of water. Ensure the stand fits the tree properly without shaving off the bark.

  • Location: Place your tree away from heat sources such as fireplaces, radiators, direct sunlight, and vents. These can dry out the tree faster.

4. Watering Your Tree

  • Immediate Watering: Once the tree is set up in the stand, fill it with warm water immediately. A freshly cut tree can absorb a lot of water, especially in the first few days.

  • Daily Watering: Check the water level daily and ensure that the base of the trunk is always submerged. A cut tree can drink up to a gallon of water per day, especially during the first week.

  • Water Additives: While plain water is adequate, commercial tree preservatives have been shown to improve water uptake or needle retention.

    • Asprin, Pennies, Bleach, or other additives have not been thoroughly studied and can be dangerous to children and pets.

5. Maintaining Your Tree

  • Check the Water: Never let the water level drop below the tree's base. If it does, a seal will form on the cut surface, preventing the tree from absorbing water.

  • Room Temperature: Keep the room at a moderate temperature to prevent the tree from drying out quickly. Cooler rooms will help prolong the tree's freshness.

  • Lights and Decorations: Use energy-efficient LED lights that produce less heat, reducing the risk of drying out the tree and potential fire hazards.

6. Disposing of Your Tree

  • Recycling: After the holiday season, consider recycling your tree. Many communities offer curbside pickup for recycling Christmas trees or have designated drop-off locations.

By following these care instructions, you can enjoy the beauty and fragrance of your Christmas tree throughout the holiday season. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please get in touch with us at Cedar Grove Christmas Trees.

Merry Christmas!


  • National Christmas Tree Association (

  • U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

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Cedar Grove Trees LLC ships, sells, or offers for sale all products without warranty either express or implied and disclaims any and all liability for damages including direct, indirect, or consequential damages including those which may occur during final use by the consumer. You agree that Cedar Grove Trees LLC, our subsidiaries, owners, members, affiliates, related parties, officers, directors, employees, agents, independent contractors, advertisers, partners, suppliers, and co-branders shall be held harmless of all claims that may arise. By purchasing any of our products and/or services, remitting payment, signing an invoice, or initiating a retail purchase you are expressly agreeing to these terms and conditions in perpetuity.